To maintain your health in better condition after 50 years, you should give up some eating habits. Read in the article, from which ones.

The human body ages with age – this is a law of nature that affects a person’s ability to resist various diseases. However, we can help our body maintain health or, on the contrary, hinder it with our actions. For example, there are five eating habits you should avoid after age 50 if you want to stay healthy as you age.

According to the Mayo Clinic, people after the age of 50 begin to notice changes in certain aspects of their lives. In particular, in digestion, heart and bone health, weight control. The right diet and eating style help to drastically affect these changes. And if you abandon certain eating habits, you can minimize the impact of aging on your health.

Save on vegetables and fruits
If you eat enough fruits and vegetables in your daily diet, you can provide the body with all the necessary antioxidants and nutrients. They also replenish the fiber content, which is critically important for health in old age.

Due to a sufficient amount of fiber, regular bowel movements can be maintained, which can become difficult with age. In addition, fiber supports the level of blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar in the blood. A review published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine emphasized that a high daily intake of fiber is necessary to prevent or reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. And therefore, after 50 years, it is better not to save on vegetables and fruits.

Lack of protein
Getting enough protein is critical for anyone, and even more important for people over 50. This is due to the loss of muscle mass with age. If you add enough protein to your diet, you can slow down the process of natural progression and minimize the rate of muscle aging.

Although many studies indicate that eating enough protein is important for overall health and muscle mass, many people over the age of 50 still do not follow the recommendations of nutritionists.

Do not control portion sizes
With age, you also need to take into account one important thing – metabolism changes over time. According to a 2021 study published in the journal Science, between the ages of 20 and 60, metabolism remains stable, and after 60 it begins to decline sharply. Therefore, it is very important to prepare your body for future changes already at the age of 50. And portion size control is one way to do it. So your body will not receive too many calories at once.

Eat the same foods every day
Not eating enough variety of food is another reason that can prevent you from achieving optimal health as you age. If you diversify your diet, you will get all the necessary nutrients. As nutritionist Morgen Claire recommends, you need to eat something new every day. Otherwise, you can lose several key substances for health, such as B vitamins, iron or calcium. They are very important with age.

Do not consume egg yolk
Many people have heard since childhood that egg yolk is harmful, and therefore it should be avoided in order not to increase the level of cholesterol. However, according to new research, this claim is just a myth. If you are worried that egg yolks can have a negative effect on your body, you can consult your doctor. But this product contains nutrients that older people need for brain health. In particular, choline. Therefore, after 50, it is still worth including egg yolks in your diet.