Most experts agree that we do not need more water than our body requires.

Appetite for water is fueled by an unofficial rule: drink eight glasses (about two liters) a day, excluding other drinks.

The rule about drinking 2 liters of water a day is not supported by scientific research – neither the British nor the European official recommendations say that we should drink that much.

According to the latest research, eight glasses of water a day is more than our body needs. Now scientists advise to drink 1.5-1.8 liters every day.

In fact, each person has their own exact daily water rate. For example, those who live in hot and humid climates, in the highlands, as well as athletes, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers need more water.

However, studies have confirmed that proper fluid intake can also slow aging and help prevent chronic diseases such as heart and lung disease.

Water helps to remove toxins and cleanse the body, which is necessary for normal thermoregulation. Therefore, drinking a lot is the first recommendation during a cold or SARS.

A glass of pure water can help with a headache. After all, banal dehydration is a frequent cause of his pain. In addition, water relieves stress and helps to get rid of anxiety.

You need to drink water often and in small sips. Such consumption contributes to weight loss, because thirst and dehydration are often hidden behind the feeling of hunger. When you are hungry, drink a glass of water instead of a regular snack. If hunger does not return within half an hour, then your body needs fluids, not food.